Five Major Life Events that Can Lead to an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on January 13,2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerNobody gets married planning to get divorced, yet the statistics on how many marriages ultimately end are widely known. The truth is, even with the best of hopes, people grow apart, life throws unexpected curveballs at all of us, and the things we want can change over time. 

Married couples tend to go through similar life stages, and certain major changes frequently trigger divorce. Difficulty adjusting to a new reality, a shift in perspective, or a realization that a couple no longer shares priorities or common goals can all put enormous stress on a marriage. Here are five significant life events that may lead to or contribute to divorce. 


While most first-time parents look forward to the birth of their first child, infants bring with them many new stressors and a serious lack of sleep. As a result, relationship satisfaction tends to plummet with very young children. A couple’s difficulties tend to become exacerbated rather than healed. Sometimes, this can lead to a permanent breakdown in the relationship. 


Unemployment can put tremendous stress on a couple for several reasons. A change in income can heighten financial difficulties, an unemployed spouse may be home all the time, leading to irritability, and the working spouse may feel resentment or anger at carrying a workload for two. Most people are unemployed at some point in their career, but sudden or extended unemployment may contribute to the end of a marriage.  

Family Sickness or Death 

When one spouse becomes chronically ill, the healthy spouse can struggle with a very challenging caregiver’s burden. The dynamic between spouses can change completely as they transition from functional peers to dependent and caretaker. Children, parents, and even good friends getting sick or dying can also stress a relationship beyond its breaking point. Although couples can and do survive such challenges, major sickness or death often ends in divorce. 

An Empty Nest

Couples whose children have left home for good may find that, without the children holding them together, they no longer have much in common. The prospect of other, more satisfying relationships may become more tempting, and the complexities of divorcing with small children are no longer an impediment. Some couples can use this time to reconnect and rediscover old hobbies and mutual interests, but for others, it is the beginning of the end. 


Similar to having an empty nest, two retired spouses may suddenly find that they cannot stand the sight of each other hanging out around the house all day. Although all spouses get on each others’ nerves, after retirement, it can suddenly become obvious that spending the uncertain remainder of one’s older years in an unhappy marriage is simply no longer an option. 

Talk to a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

The experienced Wheaton divorce attorneys with Andrew Cores Family Law Group understand that unpredictable life events can trigger thoughts of divorce. If you are considering divorce but are unsure whether it is the right decision for you, you can schedule a confidential consultation and learn more about the divorce process and your options. We offer a non-judgmental office environment where you can voice your concerns and get answers to your questions. Call us today at 630-871-1002



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