Why Does Illinois Have Such Low Divorce Rates?

 Posted on June 22, 2020 in Child Custody

DuPage County divorce attorney child custodyWith the average divorce rates in the nation for first-time marriages hovering near 40 percent and many states’ overall divorce rates approaching 20 percent, it is difficult to believe that some states like Illinois have consistently reported single-digit divorce rates. For 2018 alone, the U.S. Census reported that Illinois had a divorce rate of less than 7 percent. So why does Illinois have one of the top five lowest divorce rates in the nation? The answer might surprise you.

6 Reasons Illinois Has Low Divorce Rates

As with most complicated cases of this kind, there is not one single definitive cause; the reasons behind the low divorce rates in Illinois are complex and numerous. Among the most notable bases for these low divorce rates are:

  1. Safer Environments—Relative to other states in the nation, Illinois is actually quite safe. Most statistics suggest a strong correlation between a lack of safety and divorce. If you are not fearful of your safety every day, you will probably be more content to stay married.

  2. Higher Incomes—Data also suggests a significant correlation between poverty or households with less income and higher divorce rates. Unlike many other states, especially those in the south, Illinois has a relatively high median income for its residents. With one of the major causes of divorce no longer an issue in many Illinois households (financial problems), couples are less stressed and therefore happier together.

  3. Increased Rates of Cohabitation in Lieu of Marriage and Fewer Marriages in General—The rates of marriage have been on the decline for years now; more and more couples are simply cohabitating without getting married. Illinois laws have been particularly open to cohabitation agreements and domestic partnerships in recent years, so it has become much easier for people to choose these over marriage, which leads to fewer divorce cases.

  4. Greater Willingness to Work Things Out—While this might seem counterintuitive in a culture where divorces are so easily accepted by society, many couples do try to work things out in the marriage, especially with the many diverse, reputable options in Illinois with regards to marriage counseling. Many spouses do not want to give up on their marriages, and they especially do not want to face the complications associated with divorce, including the challenges of determining child custody and parental responsibilities.

  5. Marriage at Older Ages—This is common not only in Illinois but also throughout the nation: People are getting married later in life these days. This means they tend to be much more mature about their relationships. Even before tying the knot, they have much more certainty about what they want in their marriage and how compatible they are with their partner.

  6. Prohibitive Expenses of Divorce—Divorces can be very expensive, and many troubled couples who might be prime candidates for divorce avoid it to simply save money no matter how unhappy or unsatisfying their marriages might be.

Contact a DuPage County Divorce Lawyer

Despite the relatively low divorce rates in Illinois, that does not mean that divorce is not right for you. Depending on your situation and after trying to work through your differences, it may still be in your best interest to end your marriage. Under those circumstances, it is important to consult with an experienced Wheaton, IL divorce attorney. The skilled team at Andrew Cores Family Law Group will walk you through the divorce process and make your divorce as easy and painless as possible. Call our office today at 630-871-1002 to schedule a free consultation.

Sources: https://dailynorthwestern.com/2020/02/25/city/happily-ever-after-in-the-prairie-state-experts-examine-illinois-low-divorce-rates/ https://www.bustle.com/p/states-with-the-lowest-divorce-rates-have-these-7-things-in-common-17045561 https://www.realsimple.com/work-life/family/relationships/how-to-move-on-after-breakup

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