Techniques for Coping with the Stress of Divorce

 Posted on April 17, 2014 in Divorce

divorce stress, life after divorce, coping with divorce, Illinois divorce attorney, Wheaton IllinoisOne of the hardest parts about going through a divorce is handling the daily stress that comes with it. While many people think of stress as a purely mental issue, it can also cause physical health problems. One divorce counselor has even compiled a Divorce-Stress scale to help people assess specific risk factors.

Of course, staying in an unhealthy marriage can also cause significant stress, so often people’s best option can be to move forward with a divorce and learn to manage the stress associated with it. Some of the best strategies include reaching out to a support network, staying active, and seeking help from a therapist.

Find a Support Network

Using a support network is one of the best ways for someone to cope with the stress of a divorce. This is because many of the difficult emotions that arise from a divorce relate to the loss of a partner. This means that divorce can lead to a strong sense of loneliness, unless you make a conscious effort to maintain or rebuild relationships with friends and family. This can both help to reduce any possible feelings of isolation, and also provide an outlet to help you discuss other problems that could be causing stress. Similarly, many areas have divorce support groups that meet regularly to help people in similar situations find others who understand what they are going through.

Stay Active

Staying active is another great way to help reduce stress. Physical activity can help reduce tension and anxiety in addition to its other health benefits.

However, staying active can mean more than just developing a workout routine. Activities beyond exercise can also help improve people’s moods and happiness. Many people find developing a new hobby or rekindling an old one can keep themselves grounded and help them begin to adjust to their new lives. The new interest can also help function as another social outlet to boost your support network.

Speak with a Therapist

Another method of decreasing stress can be to seek help from a professional counselor or therapist. Divorces can be overwhelming, and involve losing a close companion. For many people, that means that they no longer have someone to help them talk through any emotional issues that they might be facing. A therapist can help fill that gap. Having someone to talk to can help you put things in perspective, and work through some of the more difficult emotional troubles of a divorce that you may not feel comfortable sharing with friends or family.

Even though divorce can be stressful in the short-term, it may the best way to secure happiness in the long-term. If you would like to seek a divorce, contact a DuPage County divorce lawyer whose experience and understanding can help make the process go as smoothly as possible.
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